The Hidden Power Of The Subconscious Mind
Believe it or not we are infinite beings with unlimited power, but the thing is most of us forgot how to use this hidden power of our minds. We have been disconnected from this world for a long time now through technology,destroying nature, and separation from our selves and others. All of these things made us form blocks all throughout our mind,body, and spirit.
Now it is up to us to tap back into this unlimited potential. So how do you know that we posses such power, well look at psychics,mediums, people that see spirits. All of these things are a form of using that potential. The average human only uses about 10 to 20 percent of our brain, you see what we can do. We can think, breath,our heart beats and a lot of other functions, on this small percent of power. So just imagine the things we can do if we used all of our brain power, just like in the movie Lucy, she was able to move things with her mind and she felt connected to all living things on this planet. All of this is real its not some made up fiction, just because we were not taught this in school and it is not on the news, does not mean its fake. Everything we were ever taught was pure deception a illusion for our mind to keep us on a lower frequency to basically be a slave to society, whether you know this or not.
There are things in this world that nobody realizes that it exist, but on the journey of taping into the infinite power and becoming enlightened is to realize how much you don't know. See the truth is like a glass shattered over the world everyone picks up a piece. That being said nobody knows the whole truth only what they perceive. So to be able to tap into this source of power you need to meditate that is very important, but the key is to "KNOW THY SELF"!! Once you start to realize who you truly are you will start to see and feel things changing in your life. You may start experiencing deja vu and synchronicity, this is a sign that you are moving in the right direction.
I know all of this sounds crazy but its not, once you open your mind and stop judging anything is possible. See the problem is that people tend to only believe what they can explain, this is the truth because i know plenty of people who don't believe in ghost or spirits. The reason they don't is because if they can't explain it with modern science then it simply can't be true, but that is so closed minded thinking. You have to allow yourself to basically think outside the box, which is against the unspoken rules of society but in the end its for our greater good. People are starting to realize the power of meditation which is amazing science is even starting to see this. But it does not matter if science says "this is true or not" only you can tell yourself what is true to you.
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