Crystals have been used for healing practices for a very long time. Each different kind of crystal has a different structure, which causes it to resonate at a different frequency.  This resonance is what gives each crystal its healing abilities.Crystals can restore stability to our body and help maintain balance and order in our energy systems.

There is no scientific evidence that backs these claims up, but we know how that is science is still playing catch up half the time anyway lol. But its not some sort of magic at all, crystals  channel good energy and help word off, bad negative energies.Crystals carry healing vibrations that work with the chakras, and help balance the yin and yang.

How To Use Crystals For Healing

Crystals can be placed at certain points of your body to relieve pain from that specific area, or it can be swept over the individuals body i.e. a healing wand or healing pendulum.

Certain color crystals can be used for chakra cleansing, they can be placed on the body at each chakra location.

Here are A Few Examples Crystals Can be Used for

                                                                  Lilac Lepidolite

This stone is used for soothing and calming you, you can use this stone if you feel anxious,stressed,or depressed. This stone is great for stress reduction because it contains lithium.

This stone also brings emotional healing and helps you get into a better meditation state.

Lilac Lepidolite also carrys positive vibrations that stimulates positive coincidence or synchronicity.

This stone can be used on all the chakra systems but it is more effective on the higher ones.

                                                                      Lithium Quartz

 This stone is great with meditation, it will heighten the profoundness of your inner journey and bring you inner peace.

This beautiful stone is also great for battling stress and tension.

                                                             Ocean Jasper

    This stone is great for releasing negative feelings, it helps bring joy and just over all helps elevate your spirit.This stone helps you feel more optimistic, this stone is great if your spirits need a lift.

This stone works great with your solar plexus chakra, helping to enhance your personal power,


This stone helps with verbal expression, this will help women and men communicate in a more clear loving way.

This stone works with your throat chakra,energizing the words you speak.

I am going to start this post off by saying, we are connected to everything there is no separation. We are one consciousness at different perspectives meaning all of the
plants,animals,oceans,ect...we are connected to, but over time we have become distant and there are so many distractions and illusions most people think this is crazy talk but it is true.

SO what is god consciousness, it goes by many different names, but it is our higher self; the part of our self that it extends beyond into higher dimensions. But we have forgotten how to connect with our higher self, when you are connected to your higher self your awareness expands. You will be more in touch with your intuition, and you will learn the true nature of yourself. Most people want to externalize god by praying to another being as being there creator, I am not saying this is wrong but why externalize  your power. God is in us all, we are god, we are one, once you realize this than you can become your better version and this will transform your life.

Once you learn how to tap into your higher self/god consciousness, you will begin to feel things you have never felt. You can feel everything, like plants,people,animals..ect its crazy and can be over whelming but once you feel the connection between everything. This will change your life, you will start to realize the true nature of our reality; and see that everything we were told is a lie.

Since I gave a brief background on what god consciousness is, I am going to tell you some things you can do. So you can learn how to tap into your higher self.

The first thing you want to do is rid your body of all the toxins, because over the course of our life we have been introduced to a number of toxins without our knowledge. Poison is in everything food,water,air, I mean why do you think that everything these days causes cancer. These poisons make your brain and body not function right, I mean most peoples pineal gland is calcified by the sodium fluoride in water. I am going to list some products below this that will help detoxify your body.But you also need to eat healthier I am not saying go vegan, that is the best way but just eat more fruits and vegetables.Also make sure you drink fluoride free water, that is very important.

Meditation,Meditation,Meditation: This is the most important thing you can ever do, meditation calms your mind and once you calm your mind, then you will began to per say download information from the cosmos. Tune into your intuition and there are also several meditations that allows you to meet your higher self. You can also remember how to use your psychic abilities and fine tune them.There is no limit to what you can do, so meditation is very important.

Be authentic, it is very important to move into who you really are. If you don't want to do something don't do it. If this means quitting a job you hate and find one you love.Because you know what they say "when you love your job,You never work a day in your life."

Spend more time in nature, spending more time in nature will allow you to learn how to reconnect with nature. We have become so lost and disconnected from nature and each other by hidden forces, but just go out in nature and take in the beauty, enjoy this.

                                               Higher-Self Meditation

Humanity is going through a shift of consciousness, which requires us to be re-educated on our priorities and our values. Our ascension is about bringing in the layers of light, which is the force that exist in our spiritual bodies.  This process is about raising our frequency, allowing our body to absorb higher frequencies into its morphological field there for raising our frequency. This allows the body to become lighter and less dense.

Our ascension process is also about shifting our consciousness from one reality to another, and to be able to grasp and have awareness of possible multiple realities happening simultaneously. Since reality is simply a dimension at essence, then what are we undertaking; technically we are going through a dimension shift. All a dimensional reality is are layers of energetic grids creating an illusion of time and space. See when you start digging this deep it truly is fascinating and is very complex, most people will say your crazy lol but this is pure fact even though science doesn't grasp this concept yet. But I bet you can feel it and your whole life you been questioning our existence and could feel that something was not right with our world. Like there was more but it was being hidden from us like the strings on a puppet.

Going through this shift, will change your thoughts and views of the world. You may notice that the job you are at now may change, you might realize that this is not your true purpose. Your religious beliefs may change, you might start to feel that it does not resonate with you anymore thus holding you back, from spiritual development.You may naturally start to care about what you eat and who surrounds you, as these things truly do affect you spiritually. you are naturally going to surround your self with more positive people and eat more plant based foods,which nourishes the body,mind, and spirit. This process will also bring our fears,beliefs of limitation, and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them in bring them into awareness. That way we can confront them and resolve these problems.

The main process of ascension that you will experience is emotional clearing, since emotional pains and imbalances are responsible for our state of disease. Many of us will experience sudden illness or release of pain. Thus clearing these negativity's from our bodies . 

Now the time frame of this ascension will take place between 2012-2017, now I want to point this out remember how they said that the Myan calendar ends on December 21st,2012. Which they stated that this was doomsday, which we know this is false because we are all still here, but the end of this calendar was misinterpreted or was it. May be they were actually trying to instill fear in us that way we would not find out the truth, but the fact of the matter is December 21st,2012 was the start of the shift into the new paradigm. Now I bet you are sitting there like i did when I figured this out with the feeling of awe and things are starting to make since for once in your life. Now in this shift the systems of the old paradigms will start to collapse, notice the financial trouble we are in its because its part of the old system, which will not work in the new paradigm. Also the global warming crisis is part of the old way of thinking, we are killing our planet and if we want to live here we must change. Thus forth our ascension  is helping us shift our thoughts, so we can make this change. Now Do you see how all these events are lining up so we can change and shift into the new paradigm.

The Spiritual Ascension process will help wake many of us up since as a whole, most of us are still sound asleep not realizing what is truly going on. Once these people that are still asleep wake up, they will realize that we are enslaved by dark-forces. This will ultimately shift our awareness and allow us to break free.



In many different beliefs we die and go to a place called heaven, hell...ect, depending on what your beliefs are. But in reality this is not the case we are infinite, which means we don't die only are bodys die. Our body is just a vessel for are spirit to have a human experience, that way we can learn the lessons we need to. That way we can progress spiritually, I use to have a closed mind when it came to topics like this, I use to be a christian but I decided to not partake in religion anymore because I realized that religious beliefs are so one sided, truly it is a closed minded point of view. Now I am not trying to offend anyone this is just, how I perceive things.

There is so much more to life than we realize or can explain, have you ever had the feeling like you have been here before, this is because we have lived many lives but when we are born again most of us forget. This is part of the learning process and it is very fascinating, if we truly were to live life then die and that was it than how could you explain esp,astral travel,and the experiences people have when they die and come back. These types of things would not happen if that was the case, but now quantum physics is starting to reveal that there is more to this world than meets the eye, its actually starting to see that we are all connected. Now think about this all humanity is, is one consciousness viewing the world at different perspectives, so that means there is no race,color,gender, or separation. We are one that is why it is very important for us to know thy self.

All of these things that separate us like race,gender,religion,ect... These are all illusions to keep us occupied, so we don't remember who we truly are. There are beings and powers in this world who wish to keep control over it, that's why they distract us with things that don't matter like money,sports,tv,holiday, all of these things do not matter at all. We should live like everyday is a holiday and celebrate life itself because it is truly amazing.


With the crazy demands from modern life, people often feel over whelmed and stressed out. Most people feel like there is not enough, time in the day to get all of their task finished. Being stressed out and tired all of the time, make us very unhappy,frustrated and impatient. This can even effect our well being and make us unhealthy. 

But what meditation does for us is calm the mind and gives us more focus, and by doing this actually gives us more time. A simple 10 or 15 minute breathing exercise each and everyday, can grant us inner peace and reduce our stress and this allows us to become one with our true nature.Meditation can help us learn how to transform our thoughts, from negative to more positive in nature.


                                         How To Meditate In 3 Easy Steps

                       Step 1(Focus & Gratitude): To start you need to focus your mind on all of the abundance and gratitude in your life. Instead of focusing on what you do not have, you need to focus on all the things you do have in your life. If you would like you can say to yourself "I am so grateful for the abundance in my life"...ect. These affirmations will help you get rid of your unwanted thoughts over time, kinda like a spam filter on your computer.  

Step 2(Focus On Love):Now Just take a moment and focus on sending love, to all of the different people in your life. You want to visualize each one of these different people and say to them "thank you for being part of my life journey".

Step 3(Visualize Success): Now you want to take a moment and visualize how, you would like your day to unfold. Feel the accomplishment and success that you have planned for yourself that particular day. Next you want to visualize where you would like to end up long-term in your life. Get into the feeling that you have already, accomplished and manifested everything in your life that your heart desires.

Watch Your Life Transform in miraculous ways by doing these simple methods 20 minutes a day

     Below is a simple meditation for beginners hope you enjoy!

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