Why They Don't Teach Meditation In School

Most people are starting to realize how important mediation is. So why do you think it is not taught in most schools?  

I believe that meditation is not taught in schools, because it is not part of being productive in society.What I mean by this is simply that teaching meditation does not bring in revenue, these days they only teach kids how to be a productive worker in society. This may shake your believes up but it is true if you think about it. The world is controlled by money who ever has the most money basically rules the world. Mediation is the complete opposite it teaches oneness of all things and makes you realize that positions are meaningless, but in this day in age they teach consumerism. This is why I believe our system is flawed, we need to teach the important things in schools like how we are all connected and there is no such thing as race or color. But these days they teach duality how everyone is separate, which in my opinion it is wrong. 

let me ask you this does anyone know where the word educate came from? The word educate is actually a derivative from the Latin word educare which means to bring out. that's exactly what meditation does it brings out the best in all of us. It teaches us mindfulness, it also reduces stress and improves brain cognitive functions. So in my opinion they don't want to teach this to our kids because in the future, they may realize how much we are dependent on the government, that our future generation might actually change that and give us the people our power back. But in realization we have always had the power but we choose not to stand up for our selves for what we believe in. I think it is time that we stood up and said that we need meditation in schools it is proven to have health benefits. This will bring us all together again and could end separation over time its the baby steps that really matters.


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